Hi, I’m Steve Hart
Here at A1homes Northland we pride ourselves on being one of the premier home builders servicing Whangarei and the Kaipara districts, with our ‘built home’ service and a ‘kit home’ supply which includes the Far North district.
With our knowledge and experience backed by a 10 Year Masterbuild Guarantee, we are here to help you get your project started.
From the initial concept and design stage, through to council consents and encompassing the build itself, A1homes Northland is here to help you from start to finish.
We are locals, we work, rest and play here, so are committed to providing you with the best service possible to ensure you have a new home that is affordable and attractive.

Corner Sandford Rd and State Highway 1
Mon – Fri from 8.30am-4.00pm
Saturday from 10.00am – 2.00pm
Steve Hart – Manager
Licence Holder:
Penhallow Limited. PO Box 183, Ruakaka 0116 t: 09 433 0200 f: 09 433 0209